Weekend Love

I hope you all are set for a fabulous weekend! I'm excited to be the {amateur} florist for a wedding tomorrow. Peonies, tulips, fresia, calla lillies, and lots of other beauties will grace the day. I'm looking forward to sharing a DIY bouquet tutorial and pics for you next week!

Thanks so much to Misty and Eve from Bumble Bliss for kindly bestowing me with the Versatile Blogger Award earlier this week. You are so kind. I feel so honored! 

The instructions say I'm supposed to pass this on to 15 bloggers, but since I've got to prepare for the wedding and all, I'm going to highlight just three blogs that have caught my eye this week! Head on over to check out:

Joy @ Design It Home, who is in the midst of a fabulous dining room redo! 

Beth @ Photographer in Kansas City who is  almost halfway through a 365 days of photography project. she's documenting her year with a photo for each day. Also check out a maternity photo shoot she completed this week. Lovely, aren't they?

Good Time Charlie @ Redoux who is able to completely revamp furniture in amazing ways. She's hosting a linky party for furniture today as well. Have fun dreaming about what you can do with your old furniture!


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