Curtains, and a Confession

Earlier this week, I showed you the new fan in the playroom, and at the same time, I subtly revealed the newly-hung curtains. So even thought you have already previewed them, I like the curtains so much that I think they deserve their own post. Well, their own post, plus a confession at the end...
They're full-length, but there's a surprise hiding below the window, which you'll get to see another time!
The pattern Joann's HS Courtyard, found in the home section. It wasn't easy picking out the fabric--in fact I had to forgo my first and second choices after driving to two different Joann's in my area searching for enough of any one pattern. But, I'm really glad I ended up with this. I wanted something fun, but not so busy that it would prevent me from someday changing the look of the room slightly.
I used my sewing machine to make a double-folded hem. I don't know if that is the technical term--I'm not a real sewer--but I folded the hem over about 3/4 of an inch, pressed it, folded it over again, pressed again, and then sewed a straight stitch right down the middle.  All in all, it took about 45 minutes to do each panel, mostly because the length made the fabric a little fussy to work with.

The rod is the cheapie from Tar-jay, the same kind I used in our master bedroom as well as elsewhere in the house. I enjoy having a little bit of black in every room. It's like mascara for my windows.  Although, being a redhead, I wear brown mascara. (Love this stuff by the way, for all of my fellow redheads out there!) 

(psst...Can you tell I accidentally grabbed mocha ring clips instead of black? It was too late before I realized what I had done, but I don't think anyone can tell...or can you?)

And now, the confession. My original budget for this room redo was the proceeds of my yard sale, "plus maybe $50". Then I did better than expected at the yard sale, bringing home $161, and I had decided to use just that money. I loved a challenge, but I'm already over!
The budget busters:
Added up, my out-of-pocket is $182.75--and I still would really like to replace the throw rug, among other things. So we're looking closer to $250 at least.  The good news is that I have the extra money to use--the money we saved by having a staycation leaves my wallet a little fatter. So $161 of the playroom will come from the sale, and $90 from our regular earnings. I never like going over budget, but I keep telling myself this is still a reasonable amount for a room redo.

So how do you budget for large projects like this? Do you always come in on target, or have you missed the mark completely? Join me in the comments...

Linking up to:
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Weekend Bloggy Reading
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


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