Summer Shelf Update

I've been working on several projects for the play-guest-room redo, but sadly none of them are quite finished enough to show you yet. However, I'm happy to show you the updates to the shelf I built and then installed and decorated earlier this week:

Do you recognize the little crate and hydrangeas from my yard sale finds? I think they look very at home here, don't you? When I bought the crate, I had thought I would stain or paint it in some way. But, I think it works as is. At least for now.

I also added the old wooden frame and moved the mason jar to be part of the pitcher vignette. I like the next balance of color throughout the shelf now.

I realize I may be teetering on the edge of the dreaded cluttered look, but I prefer the current scheme to what I had before:

 And before that:

 And let's not forget this ugliness, from before I started:

And because I don't want to leave you with that image, here's one more look at the new setup:
I can't wait to show you what else is going on in the room! Stay tuned!

Linking to these great parties:
Chic on a Shoestring DecoratingHookingupwithHoHWeekend Bloggy Reading

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite SpecialPhotobucket

The Lettered Cottage


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