Happy Pillow Trio

My playroom sofa is brighter today! We now have a trio of happy pillows, all homemade. While I show them off, I'll explain how I made them, in a "tutorial light" fashion, since I neglected to take a lot of pictures along the way. Sewing is not my #1 skill so I needed to really employ my energy on the sewing rather than photography! I hope you enjoy reading it anyway. If you have any questions about what I did, I'd be happy to explain more in the comments.
I started with three 18" x 21" quilter's squares. $1.99 each from Joann's. I bought them along with the curtain fabric.
First, I cut each down to 18" x 18" square. 
The remaining 3"  scrap pieces were used for the bunting pillow. I made a little cardboard pattern and used my disappearing ink fabric marker to trace a few of each.
After cutting a few triangles out, I arranged them into a pleasing shape on an old ivory cloth napkin that I had rescued from my yardsale pile. After pinning them in place, I used my sewing machine, set on a wide stitch, to attach them permanently. With the machine, I traced around each triangle and then made a line over the top, connecting them together.
Then I grabbed a second ivory napkin. Placing the right sides together, I sewed  around 3 1/2 sides, then turned it right side in, then stuffed it and hand-sewed it shut.

For the second pillow, I chose two of the big 18" x 18" sqaures and cut them into three 6" strips each. Then placing the right sides together, I stitched them together across one long side, making two panels of three 6" stripes--but mixed up this time!
The seams are pressed open in "French Seam" style (so I'm told). Then I placed the panels with the right sides together and sewed around 3 1/2 sides.
I stuffed and sewed it shut. Ta-da! A reversible pillow.
For the third pillow, I had only one piece of fabric left. So I folded it in half and stitched around two of the three remaining sides to form a lumbar pillow. Buttons added some extra bling.

Somehow, even though I stuffed it carefully, this one turned out really lumpy. Does anyone know how to prevent or fix this?

I love how these coordinate with the new curtains:

They're reminiscent of this inspiration picture:
I love the classic look of the stripes, but a playroom can handle a little whimsy.
The only bad thing about these pillows is that they are making me want a new, lighter slipcover for the sofa.

Hmm. I am really tempted by this, at only $53. Never mind that I'm already over budget. I wonder if a white slipcover in a playroom would be a disaster, or a great washable success?

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Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Strictly Homemade Tuesday
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