Blog Rebranding: Busy Home Adventures

If you've stopped by here before, you've probably noticed that the color scheme has changed again, and this time, so has the title on the header.

When I started this blog, I thought I had done a good job of making sure my title was somewhat unique. However, I somehow missed this awesome blog when I was getting started:

I have no desire to compete with or be confused with the above blog, so I'm going to let go of "Busy at Home". But at the same time, I'm not willing to change my URL. So, you are now visiting....

Busy Home Adventures

I've googled and regoogled and I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear on this one! So I've got some work to do this week making some new buttons and whatnot. I found the new header by searching for "free blog headers". I may someday pay someone to make one just for me, but for now, this will do nicely. My goal here is not to make money, but just to have fun and grow as I post. So, I'm trying not to spend any money on the blog either.

What do you think? Do you like the title? The color scheme?


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