I wish I may, I wish I might.
Basically, I want two things: to go camping and to steal my daughter from school and take her on a full-fledged picnic, replete with a pretty picnic blanket, yummy chicken sandwiches, homemade cookies, potato chips, and a flask of a cold, sweet drink. I want to pack a frisbee, bubbles, sunscreen, and even a kite and just spend the afternoon revelling in a sunny afternoon. I want to stop on the way home for popsicles and return with newfound freckles on our cheeks and shake blades of grass from the picnic blanket.
Or maybe I want more:
I also want to have a barbecue and actually eat outside, hear the sounds of my kids jumping into the pool, and hang clothes on the line to dry in the sun. I want to plant my window boxes and not worry about them growing mouldy from the never-ending damp. I want to have to put my air conditioner in my window and (finally) paint my porch floor. I want to wear flip-flops and put my jeans away in the back of my closet. I want to think that cooking a turkey is a ludicrous idea and eat my first (and probably only) hot dog of the season.
Because, have you ever had the feeling that you are trapped in a time warp where the days literally resemble one another and you are in a state of suspended motion where someone has hit the pause button on the change of seasons? Where the picture outside your window never changes and that picture is grey and drizzly and, admittedly, a lush green but little else in the way of colour? While we are very, very fortunate that our weather complaints are mild (especially in light of others who have been faced with forceful and dangerous weather events), those of us who have endured a long, snowy Canadian winter are feeling the lack of energy and mood-lifting sun and vitamin D that normally comes with this time of year. For it has been over a month of cool/cold, dreary, uninspiring weather. I am literally craving the warmth of the sun and all the happy things that come with it.
And I will keep on wishing.
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