Quick Frame Fix

I love reading blogs for inspiration...but I especially when I find little nuggets of info that I can use right away! The folks at Young House Love shared a great idea in their post about their newly-completed gallery wall. They mentioned that when their baby learns to stand up, they would use velcro command strips to hold the bottom frames in place from any little fingers that might go grabbing.

I immediately thought of the frame collection I just started hanging up our stair wall:
 The frames haven't stayed straight on the wall since the day I hung them. And I can't blame it on the kids. They've been knocked around by everybody! Most especially, yours truly, when I'm carrying my laundry basket on my hip.

As soon as I read their tip, I busted out some sticky velcro from my stash.

The Young House Love folks did mention command strips, which are probably a better idea in the long run that this sticky back stuff I had on hand. I am betting on this stuff being removable by some Goo Gone if I ever want to move the frames! I just didn't want to wait another minute to fix this nagging problem.

 I cut it into one inch chunks and stuck one side on the bottom back of the frame and the other on the wall. The best thing about the velcro is that if I didn't line it up correctly the first time, I just pull the sides apart and try again.
What a difference! And child-proof to boot. I really should go back through with a level and check each one, but for now I'm much happier with it. And so is my littlest one, as you can see below.
The wall is far from done. I've got piles of thrift store frames and other little fun items to spray paint and tack in place. I'll post a picture when I'm done!


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