Playroom/Guest Room Challenge!

We call it "the den" or sometimes "the room that used to be the garage". But really we should call it "the disaster room". It's hideous. Don't believe me? Check it out:

The previous owner of our home had the attached garage made into living space, which she used as a home office. We have no need of an office, but we do have need of a playroom and a second guest room. So that is what that room must become.

This room is going to have lots of design challenges. Some are structural.
Do you see the air conditioner above the little play washer/dryer? It's mounted right into the wall. And since this room used to be the garage, and doesn't share the HVAC system with the rest of the house, it's here to stay. It only gets used about 20% of the year, but it's really, really needed in the summer. The room isn't that well-insulated.

I'm not certain what I will do about this air conditioner yet, but I have two ideas so far. I've thought about hanging a curtain over it. I've also considered going back to the place where I got my vintage shutters and hanging a set over it. I would love to have some of your feedback on this! Please!

Also, we've got a funkadellic brass ceiling fan! Woohoo! It is U-G-L-Y ugly.
I've thought about spray painting it, but I think if I actually get it down off the wall, I'm going to want to replace it. I'll have to see how it fits into the budget.
 Some of the other challenges, well I really can't complain too much because they are self-inflicted. There is stuff in this room that is in here because it has to go somewhere in the house, and that somewhere ended up being here.

For example, behold, the tablelamp, in all of its retro evil awesomeness.
Did you have one of these in your house growing up? I did. And I remember when my mom sent it to goodwill and I was so happy. This little number, however, belonged to my husband's family since before we were married. It's here to stay, with no negotiation. Could I pester him about this? Maybe, but I don't care to. It's far more important to me that my husband feels like that this is his home and castle than it look like my idea of fashionable. So, basically, my choices are to put a new shade or it, pile it over with stuff, or hide it. Or any combination of the above. And, it may not be painted. How's that for design challenge? Ideas, dear readers? 

Next, remember this?
It's baaaa-aaack. Actually I don't hate this quilt at all. It's still in good shape and will work well both as a snuggle blanket and as guest bedding. So whatever my color scheme is going to be, I want it to work with this quilt. I'd also like to continue to utilize the sofabed slipcover which you can see poking out underneath. It's in great condition and also neutral so I'd rather not buy another.

I also have  a bookshelf which I will not paint. Can't blame this one on the hubby. It's a lovely piece and was made for me by my grandfather. But, next to it is a vintage dresser that I most certainly will paint. I'm thinking a creamy white.

Oh, and, I'd like to keep the budget to whatever I can make at my garage sale next weekend plus about $50. I don't have a whole lot of stuff to sell, so I'm thinking about $150? No, I'm not kidding. I'd like to spend more, but the house needs new gutters and some plumbing work, and that will suck up all of my home budget for quite a while. This will be an exercise in working with what I have.

I'm thinking I will start with new curtains and some paint (I have a gallon of a lighter neutral beige from my Pottery Barn palette left over from another room). Then I will move on to the dresser and the tablelamp, and then maybe add a coffee table. I'm thinking a gallery wall with white frames would work on the blank wall around the air conditioner. Then I'll see about replacing the ceiling fan if there is any budget left. 

I have some color ideas, which I'll share in a future post, but until then I would LOVE to hear from you about any ideas to make this room more beautiful!

Linking to Debbiedoo's


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