Guest Post: A Real Life Montessori Easter Project

Today we have a guest post, the fabulous Brandi from Real Life Montessori. Brandi incorporates Montessori principles into her life with her three year old daughter, Ryann. In this post she's going to show us how some of the best projects are inspired and organized by our kids!
We got out our Easter decorations a couple weeks ago and Ryann has been obsessed with Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt, a book she got last year. It's a pop-up book with the cutest scenes and some interactive elements that really keep her attention.

After many times through the book she decided we MUST have a decoration like the one hanging in the house in this picture.

So I said let's do it! I rummaged through my scrapbooking supplies and pulled out papers, a hole punch and yarn. I don't scrapbook, we just use the papers and stickers for impromptu craft projects like this one. I find there are all sorts of things you can use those cute patterns and bows for and if you get everything on clearance it's really a bargain compared to most craft supplies.

I made a template egg out of some heavy paper. (Please excuse the shoddy camera work, I was using my phone as I didn't plan this project in advance at all!)

Then we traced and cut out eggs on many different patterned papers. There was really no theme, just whatever looked cute.

I love how focused she looks tracing and cutting the paper in these pictures. She is actually quite good at both and I was surprised how much all her eggs looked like eggs.

When we had a selection of eggs I tied them on to a long piece of yarn, equal width apart. Ryann thought it was really funny to "sneak" a hole-punched scrap piece on there. 

Here is the finished project in her play room. We recently painted and decorated this room in a very Montessori way but you'll have to check out my blog for more information about how we did it!

It was a really cute project and I'm glad Ryann came up with it! It's the kind of project that when you look at the end result you just feel yourself getting good, crafty mom points. Like you are just so fun and spontaneous and you have everything together. 

Unless you were actually there o watch: Then you would know why all the eggs on the finished garland are mine and that the real reason Ryann's hands are in all the pictures is because she didn't want me to take any. Isn't it funny how the blog format can make everything look so idyllic? 

Ah well. The new Easter decoration was well worth all the fit throwing. 
Thank you, Brandi! For more ideas about incorporating Montessori principles into your home, head over to Brandi's blog!

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