SUPER Superstore...

I do not know what I did before the Superstore (Loblaws for you Ontarions) came to town. Living in the land of Sobeys, The Superstore is regarded with a bit of scorn by those who are diehard employees or utterly loyal Sobeys shoppers. Don't get me wrong: I do most of my grocery shopping at my local Sobeys, but for housewares, baked goods and "special food" the Superstore cannot be beat!! For those of you with access to one, here is a sampling of what they have in store for us this spring...

Did you notice the little birds on these dishes?? Of course I got some...
Pretty polka dotted plates, cookie cutters, and Easter crackers...

Beautiful kid's clothes, anyone??
Stylish home decor...

Heck, they even have pretty organizers!!

Can I help it if I go way over my "food" budget there??


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