From Spring to Summer...

photo: Garnet

That's right, I'm skipping ahead to summer in my mind...seeing as it doesn't feel much like spring... and we never really get a true spring here in the Maritimes anyway! We go from cold to damp to cold to a peek of sun, just enough to fool us into thinking that it is here to stay, and then we usually get a snowfall to drive us back indoors. So, this year I'm not falling for the hype...I'm skipping spring in my mind and turning to thoughts of summer. I'm daydreaming and planning what I will do to finish my pool area, what flowers I will plant, what outdoor projects I can come up with, and what pretty dresses and flip flops will feel like again! above photo:

I am also thinking ahead to camping in our new camper and trying to decide if I have the ambition to take on the "redecoration" of it into a lighter, prettier version of itself.

I am looking forward to road trips, summer swimming lessons...sitting poolside with my good friends while we sip coffee on a hot day like fools, laughing and griping...and heading to the beach to hunt for sand dollars to add to our collection.
So, come on spring, hurry up and make your phony appearance. You won't fool me this time into thinking you are going to be what you promise. Nuh, uh...I've given up on you and moved bigger and better things!! I have a good imagination...above photo: source unknown


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