The perfect Easter...with Matthew Mead

Nobody does it better, that's just the way it least from a decorative standpoint!! I was perusing Matthew Mead's archives over at his website, and found myself drooling over his Spring 2007 offerings, drenched in the most lovely shades of robin's egg blue and , quite fittingly, chocolate brown. The way those two shades complement each other is perfection, and so pleasing to the eye...not to mention how the chocolate bunnies make me feel like delving into my children's Easter baskets and nipping a few eggs from them!

One can only imagine how lovely the Easter baskets Matthew and his wife likely created for their children when they were small. If they looked half as appealing as the Easter offerings on his website, they were lucky children, indeed!! Then again, do kids ever notice anything like that when chocolate is melting between their fingers and trickling out from the corners of their mouths?? I doubt it...and thus there is hope for the rest of us mere mortals...unless you have raised chocolate snobs like me!!

Don't you just love the blue jelly beans in the glasses??

(all photos: Matthew Mead Style)


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