Memories of Ireland...

above photos:

Well, this should be a short one, as I haven't many memories left in my congested brain. We emigrated from Ireland when I was only five, so the memories I have are of those of a young child.

I remember:

Carrickfergus Castle (we called it Carrick Castle, of which there is one of that name in Scotland...ours is better!!). This castle was in my home town of Carrickfergus, in the north of Ireland, and I remember touring it as a small child. My strongest memory: my eldest brother, Alistair, telling me that red paint on the stone steps down to the dungeon (a very scary place, I remember) was actually the blood of an old woman that had been pushed down the stairs by the soldiers...typical brother!!

I remember playing hide and seek at my Auntie Jean and Uncle Jimmy's house where my sister was spending the night (I was too young...). I remember my mum saying it was time to go, and I didn't want to leave. I remember feeling quite put out that I wasn't to stay, too!! Auntie Jean's house was always a fairly magical place with good treats, wonderful calm, and Auntie Jean's famous back tickles designed to lull us to sleep. Their house always had the most wonderful smell...I can't quite put my finger on it, but it was lovely!

I remember going down a long slide at the park and then going for an ice cream. I remember smelling the familiar scent of fish and chips wrapped in newspaper, the grease soaking through in spots...scrumptious!!

I remember playing in Auntie Jean's garden where Uncle Jimmy had built Wendy her own playhouse, which they christened The Wendy House...lucky her!!

That's all I can seem to retrieve from my mind...pitiful, I know. Someday, I will return to my birthplace and try to make some new memories.

Until then, here are a few momentos of my trip down memory lane: First, is the flag of Northern Ireland...if you are from the North, it is not the flag with the orange, white and green...a very important distinction to remember, considering the history of tension in Northern Ireland...

Second, if you enjoy Charlotte Church, take a moment and listen to this beautiful rendition of "Carrickfergus" pretty!!


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