My makeover...

Well, what do you think?? I am so happy with the new look Shannon from Eight Crazy gave to my blog! I have been a fan of Shannon's creativity for quite a while now (have you seen the birthdays she throws her children??) and when I popped on over to her new design website after seeing this sweet bird/nest banner at Kim's, I knew I just had to make it mine!!

Poor Shannon, she was sooo patient with me and my "tweaking this" and "trying that" requests...well, I just hope she will still "take my calls" after this whole process!! So far, she hasn't blocked me from her blog, so hopefully I'm still "in" with her!! If you think your blog could use a facelift of its own, then head on over and see what she has available. She has also done custom designs for clients, so if it's a new look you want, then she's your gal!!

Thanks Shannon!!!! Shannon...??


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