A Handmade Christmas...

(photo: Bethany Lowe designs)

I know this is the countdown to Halloween, but I am in serious Christmas shopping mode (and please don't hate me!). I have decided to absolutely make all my "extra" gifts this year. You know the ones - the gifts for teachers, friends, the women in my life who share my likes - basically the gifts for everyone but my children and the testosterone charged!

In fact, I have challenged myself to the $5 gift exchange: which, in a nutshell, is me making gifts for that dollar amount that look like they cost a whole lot more. What is in my arsenal? Well, glitter, of course, and trinkets from the Dollar store (which you will see later), natural elements from the outdoors, and repurposed flea market finds and junk items (of course!). I might even make a few meals to freeze as gifts, though I doubt I will bake anything as gifts. I draw the line at that. I can bake, but I don't have a love of it...

So, that pretty and sparkly glittered candle is the perfect project for me. In fact, as soon as I come up with the rest of my planned projects, I am going to host a link exchange where anyone who wants to take the $5 gift challenge can take part and share their frugal Christmas offerings. Start thinking about it, and we will aim for mid-November!

Are you in?


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