Spring Wreath and Mantle

I'm a happy mama tonight! I finally got to make some changes to our living room mantle that I've been planning for a while!

The first project that's been simmering in my mind for a while was to shamelessly copy these shutters from The Inspired Room. With only one window and lots of heavy, dark, woods and fabircs in the furntiture, I wanted a way to get some more creams and whites into the room. I decided that adding some shutters would be a great way to add some white while also being a backdrop for seasonal decor.

I headed to a local building supply reclamation warehouse and snagged these vinatage wooden shutters for just $2.50 each! There were so many to choose from that I was able to get the exact size and color I wanted. No painting needed. They were pretty filthy and sticky, but after some scrubbing and some Goo-Gone, they were set.

Next, I headed to Michael's to get a grapevine wreath, moss, and springy embellishments. I've seen plenty of nice mossy wreaths in the blogoshpere lately, but when I saw this wreath at All Things Heart and Home, I could finally picutre this one in my own home. I also liked the version from her inspiration at A Diamond in the Stuff. Great job, ladies! My own creation is a jus a bit more shall we say, Charlie Brown? But it gets the job done nonetheless. I can see in these pictures that I need to glue on a little more moss in some places, but overall I'm pleased.
At Michaels, I found these lovely natural material flowers and springy butterflies. I admit that I wasn't sure about the butterflies until I got them home. They seemed very "six year old girl bedroom" to me in the package, but I think they ended up blending in nicely with the moss.   The raffia was a last minute addition that I found tucked away with my floral moss. I love it.

My three-year-old son insisted that the green butterfly go on the top. I stuck it there to humor him, thining, I would overrule him later...but I think he has a secret genius, don't you?

I added in a little vase/floral thingy that has been floating around the house looking for a place to be, along with the happy little bird from my adventures in RAW debacle. He and I have since made peace. 

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the mantle. It's not done, though. I need to get a picture printed for the frame (I'm not sure which one I will choose, but it will be in sepia tones). Something has to be done about the candle, too. Either I will spray paint it white or green and add a more neutral candle, or I'll ditch it entirely and find something more springy. For now, it's a placeholder. Any ideas for me?
(PS, sorry about the camera angle...due to a wall in my living room I can't really get a straight on shot and get all of the mantle in. The crookedness of this picture is bugging me, but I'm still figuring out a solution that doesn't involved sinking money in a wide angle lens.)

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