Rosemary Easter Wreath

I was inspired to make this front door wreath by my dear friend's ginormous rosemary bush. She graciously let me trim a ton of branches from it, and when I was done, it looked like I hadn't taken any at all, even though I came home with this pile:
A trip to the Dollar Tree yielded me two wreath forms (because I wasn't sure what size I would prefer) and these cute little eggs. I didn't have a plan, but I knew I could come up with something.

I started by tucking the rosemary around the wreath in the same direction as the wicker wraps around the wreath. At first, I thought I would cover the whole wreath. But,  I stopped sooner than planned because I liked the more sparse look.

Enter the cute little gltter eggs. I pulled the little ribbons off of them and used floral wire to attach them to the wreath by jamming one end into the egg.

One little problem: I couldn't figure out a way to arrange the eggs that seemed to click with me.

After ten minutes and an unfortunate amount of sighing, I decided to find some ribbon.

Score! I found this scrap in my craft box. It was originally tied to a gift and I saved it because I loved the colors.First, I looped the ribbon over itself, right side out...squeezed the middle, and tied with floral wire...

...then fanned out the loops. and wrapped the end over the wire. Tada!

This anchored the design. By eliminating some of the traditional Easter colors, I gave it some style. I realized, though, that I didn't have enough blue, orange, and yellow eggs to do the job without another trip to the dollar store. So, I added back the green. Just right. We're getting there!

Finally, I decided to space the eggs evenly. This, I can live with.

 I'll return the smaller wreath or come up with another use for it. Final cost of the project: $2. Here is the finished piece on my front door, which badly needs some painting. That's a project coming up soon.
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