The Tale of a Kitchen Make-Over...Part One!

(My sister's kitchen before its new makeover. Stay tuned to the big reveal next week!)

Are you living with a kitchen you'd love to make over? Do you mentally make lists of the things you'd like to change if given the money, time or DIY skills? Would it involve major changes or as my sister likes to call it, "a lipstick makeover"?

Because that is just what she did recently.

Hours and hours of painting, new countertops, sink, faucet, lighting, hardware and she is now the proud owner of a refreshed, beautiful kitchen - one to be proud of. I am heading her way this weekend with Sophie as my backseat passenger and we are going to be received for lunch in her new kitchen.

And I can't wait!

What can I say? I love it when anyone does any form of home improvement project! It is so fun to share in their excitement and see something transformed into something more beautiful. My sister and her husband have laboured over their makeover for many, many weeks. I will share photos with you as soon as I get the green light from her!

What would I do if I could create a new kitchen for myself?
Although I love my current kitchen, I would definitely change everything up if I were to rebuild (which we will at some point). In the meantime, this kitchen has some of the elements that I love. Because I, too, make lists of what I'd love in a new kitchen! Don't you?


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