Whistle while you work...

Whew! I have my work cut out for me! I cannot believe that so many of you took the time to write such thoughtful answers to my informal survey about what you want from a magazine. I have read each and every one of them and am sifting through the responses to share a general concensus of opinions on each topic. But, did you see how many comments there were and how long each one is?

So, give me a few days, eh?

Thank you, thank you for speaking your minds and giving me some very interesting thoughts to chew on. Do not worry, I have a little plan to address your ideas and concerns...Watch for it!

Now. Back to the Monday grind and schlepping kids to and from their activities. Someone has to have a social life, right? Meanwhile, I am cooking up some projects for the upcoming year with a very talented "chef". And I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

You can bet you will be the first I offer a sampling!


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