Reflections of Christmas...

It occurred to me that I hadn't chronicled our Christmas in a post, so I decided to slip one in so I will always remember it. Our Christmas was quiet, simple and centered on good food, visiting family and friends, and quiet time at home.

Every year we take two photos on Christmas eve: one of the kids in front of the tree and one of our family.

I thought I'd share a few photos of some our favourite decorations:

(Sophie's handmade Santa)

Exchanging gifts with each other is something the kids look forward to doing every Christmas Eve, and Sophie was exceptionally happy with her gift from her brother:

Pulling Christmas crackers is a favourite tradition, and they are always filled with paper crowns, a toy, and a joke. It wouldn't be Christmas dinner without those crackers and an After Eight mint chocolate at every place setting.

Here, the kids show off their favourite gifts:

Now that the tree is down and the decorations are slowly getting packed away, all there is to do is embrace the New Year and hope that health and happiness will bless us all.

Happy New Year!!


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