Soup Stop

Cool, crisp weather and a generous bowl of hearty soup. They just go together - and very well, I might add. Now... hot, humid summer days and a bowl of steamy, hot soup - hmmm...not so much! However, tell that to the good folks at The Soup Stop.
Where and what is The Soup Stop, you might ask? Well, it is no more, and with good reason.
When we lived in a small village in the heart of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, we were met with long drives whenever we wanted to venture outside the village limits (which I did want, very much, but that is another story...). A trip home to my parents was a good 8-9 hrs, including the necessary stops that come with travelling with small children. Eating "on the road" was a must; and we would soon pass a peculiar, little restaurant on wheels (an old, rusty bus), doing its best to lure patrons in out of sympathy.
Of course, this little "meals on wheels" was the aforementioned Soup Stop. Now you would think that somebody would be drawn in by the thoughts of a quick, healthy bowl of soup on a cold fall or winter's day, yes? Surely someone would see past the sorry exterior and spring for a cup or bowl of the daily special accompanied by a roll or two? Well, herein lies the problem: the Soup Stop was only opened in the summer!! Of course! Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Why not close at the precise time when people might actually crave liquid warmth? Hot soup on a hot day...brilliant!! Needless to say, The Soup Stop closed its bus doors after only a season or two, and its empty shell remained roadside for many years to give us a chuckle on those long road trips. I guess market research and a business plan wasn't high on the list of priorities for those restaurateurs...!!
Still, my family and I love a good bowl of homemade soup, with chicken noodle (with barley for my daughter), mulligatawny, and seafood chowder being our favourites. Combined with a pan or two of homemade rolls (dough, courtesy of my bread machine), soup makes for a perfect, quick, and tasty supper.

Last week, I indulged my family with a seafood chowder chock full of lobster, scallops, and salmon. Sophie and I do not share their passion for seafood, so I made a pot of chicken noodle for us. Hot rolls with butter were devoured as quickly as the soup, and as I was remarking how much Sophie loves "her barley", my husband quietly nudged me to take a look at our delicate, little girl:
No time for admonishments, I excused myself to "get more bread", and sneakily shot the photo. Priceless!!
We'll work on the table manners later...!!!


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