Entertaining Simple Give-away

When something is really good, it bears repeating: for example, my most recent give-away featuring Matthew Mead's Halloween magazine, and the ten free copies he so graciously gave away. The response was so great, however, that there were more than a few of you left smoothing your feathers in disappointment for not having won a copy. "Not fair", you might have thought. Indeed!!

So, in the spirit of giving, Matthew and Wiley Publishing are offering up not ten (pffff), not fifteen, but TWENTY free copies of Matthew Mead's latest book, Entertaining Simple. I received my copy recently, and am still soaking up its sensible, inspiring advice on how to throw the kind of get-togethers real people have. True to his nature, Matthew never sends you on a wild goose chase for far-out ingredients, expensive floral arrangements, or makes you regret not having registered for Royal Albert's finest china. In fact, he contends that using an easy palette of all white dishes, and simple glassware provides the greatest range of options for serving - with the food, flowers, decor, and table linens providing the colour we so often crave.

What I especially love about this book is the sense that Matthew Mead really gets it. He knows that not all of us have the time, money or skill to pull of grand entertaining. He seems to also know that some of us just might even pick up some of those white dishes at our local dollar store! He knows we sometimes cheat and serve up a pie from the bakery, after transferring it to one of our own pie plates and lighting a scented apple candle. He knows we often buy the $15 bottle of wine, and that might even be a splurge. Basically, he makes us feel okay about the way we want to entertain, and in fact, holds our hand and makes it even easier, without sacrificing style or taste. As Matthew puts it, "Entertaining Simple is about restoring sanity to entertaining, without sacrificing style."

So, if you want to win one of twenty copies of the book, and get the inspiration to throw great get-togethers like (to name just a few) lazy-day brunch, summer barbecue, coffee house, holiday open house... or to simply dress up traditional Chinese takeout, then follow these directions:

To be eligible to win a copy of Entertaining Simple and, for ten extra lucky winners (drawn randomly), an additional $25 gift card from Home Goods, simply write a post on your blog, announcing the book. Include the cover photo of the book (top photo), Matthew's photo (below) and one or more of the following photos: Tell your readers that it can be purchased at bookstores across the U.S. and Canada; include the following link to Matthew's website: http://www.entertainingsimple.com/index.php?option=com_flippingbook&book_id=2&Itemid=1 and send me the link to your post (via your comment) so that I can verify it is up, and includes all contest criteria. ** The contest will close on Thursday morning (October 9th), with the winners names posted shortly thereafter.

**For those without a blog: to be eligible to win, simply go here and leave a comment telling which type of magazine you'd like to see next from Matthew, and tell him I sent you. I will be adding those names into the draw, so go on over there, and mention my blog.

Let's face it: how often do you get these odds on a blog give-away? No matter whether you win a copy or not, this is a book worth picking up. We are entering the holiday season at a break-neck speed. Don't you want a little help making the entertaining side easier? Nobody wants a cranky, overwhelmed hostess, now do they...?

Entertaining Simple is so much more than a book, I think it is a movement...in the right direction!!


To buy Entertaining Simple directly, go here.

** All photography: Quentin Bacon
All photos used with permission: courtesy, Matthew Mead, and Wiley Publishing.


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