Hooked on Glitter!!

Julia, of Hooked on Houses, one of my favourite bloggers of all times (you will love her fun, thoughtful blog, as in makes you think...about homes!) is/was hosting a link party to showcase what we are all hooked on. Of course I am a bit late (as is my nature), but I wanted to join in the fun, especially because I am coming up a bit dry for post topics here. I have been busy with a house project, which I will show you later in the week (have I ever told you how much I hate painting?), so my mind is on that and the need to get a few Halloween decorations up for Sophie. I have been a bit lazy this year, and have not put a single Halloween thing up, but my little one deserves her mummy to be every bit of the Halloween decorating nut I was when the boys were small. So, I will get to it...soon!!

Well, since it is nearly Halloween, and Christmas is right around the corner, my crush is, was and will always be glitter! I have slowly replaced much of my Halloween and Christmas decor with festive, glittered beauties, and I cannot seem to help myself from squealing in delight when I spy a good, glittered find. In fact, just today, I scored the most exquisite Christmas decoration (and it's big!) and it was a find that made my day...defined the tone of it, really. How could I not have a great day when I discovered such a sparkly gem?! I will not show it to you until I actually bring it out for Christmas, but I assure you, it is "fabulous"!!

So, what's your crush? Hop on by Julia's blog and fill us in...we all have one, don't we?

***all photos: Room Service Home.com***
Don't forget about the pumpkin decorating contest with Ki...awesome prizes...yours for the taking!!


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