Is anybody out there...??

I post a lot. Every day. Perhaps I'm getting boring, but I haven't heard from too many of you lately. Maybe you're all at the beach. I hope so, because we haven't had any beach weather yet. So I'm hoping somebody is!

But then I think, maybe some of you are shy about commenting or don't know how to go about it. Do you want a lesson? I know some of you just call yourself "blog stalkers" and aren't really into commenting. But, as a blogger, it's really nice to get comments. It makes you feel as though you're not wasting your time. I guess I post every day because I myself love to click on one of my favorite blogs and see a new post. To me, it's like getting a new magazine in the mail (not that I'm comparing myself to a magazine or anything...!!!).

If you want a quick lesson on commenting, here goes... If you're not a Blogger user, it is easy to become one. Signing up doesn't mean you have to have a blog yourself or that you'll get unsolicited junk mail. It just means that if you read a post on someone's blog and feel like responding, you can. There's no sense in keeping your feelings to yourself...and we all love to get a comment or two. I remember when I started my blog, I felt like I was writing it for basically no one but myself. I was pretty much right. But my sister would throw me a bone now and again and comment on every post (you've gotta love family, right?). Then she spread the word to her best friend and her best friend's sister and I got a few more comments. Then a really nice girl I know came up to me and said she was "addicted" to my blog!! What? I have more readers than three?? Then another really nice girl I know called me up to tell me she loved my blog. Then another, and another. I was up to six!! So, I had to deliver... didn't I??

Here's how to deliver a comment, if you think you'd like to give it a try...

1. If you're already a Blogger member, then click on the comment section at the bottom of that day's post: 1 comments

2. Then, write your comment in the comment box and hit: publish. You have to be signed in with your google name (usually your email address) and password. Here's how to get one.

3. Create a Google Account
This process will create a Google account that you can use on other Google services. If you already have a Google account perhaps from Gmail, Google Groups, or Orkut, please sign in first
Email address (must already exist)

You'll use this address to log in to Blogger and other Google services. They'll never share it with third parties without your permission.

Enter a password (this is easy) _________

Password strength: (Tests whether the password you have chosen is available and not too easy for someone else to figure out)

Must be at least 6 characters long.
Retype password __________ (so that the computer knows you remember it)

Display name (for example mine is the same as my blogsite, Restyled Home) This is the
name used to sign your blog posts.

Word Verification
(Type the characters you see in the picture to the left.)

Acceptance of Terms (check the box)
I accept the Terms of Service
Indicate that you have read and understand Blogger's Terms of Service

And that's it. You've just become an official blogger member and can comment on most blogs, even those that use TypePad as their format. Just go to step one (above) as I instructed.

Now go ahead...Leave me a comment. I'd love to hear from you!!


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