"Mommy, I'm so sorry!"

I heard the words come out of his mouth just as I heard the beans pouring from their container.

I knew exactly what had happened. Adam had spilled the consturction site sensory box that I made him for Christmas. It's actually pretty amazing that our first spill happened today, eighteen whole days after he got it.

I knew I had a choice: to get upset at him for not being more careful, or show some grace to a well-meaning three year old and help him clean it up.

I decided on the latter, and also had a feeling that it might be the most interesting thing that happened in our house all day, so I grabbed the camera.

I was unable to capture the enormity of the spill. This accounts for maybe a fifth of it. After all there were eight pounds of beans in that box. To his credit, the boy was holding up the box on the edge of the table with about half of them still inside.

I'm so glad that God gave me the grace to show my son some grace. Let this picture be a reminder of that.

Psalm 139: 13-14
   As a father has compassion on his children,
   so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
   for he knows how we are formed,
   he remembers that we are dust.


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