Color Mixing Charts

Color mixing with paint is great fun. For this activity, you'll want several small cups or containers, a brush for each color, and some heavy cardstock that can stand up to painting. I love these Crayola paints because they're washable, and because they smell like the art room did when I was in elementary school.

Instead using of a smock, I kept the boy in his pajamas. He needed a bath anyway.

"What will happen when we mix red yellow paint together?"

"I don't know."

"Well let's do it!" This yielded a grin.

I used crayons to draw a circle for red, a circle for yellow. Then I used a white crayon to draw a "mystery" circle for the mixed paint.

It's nice to have a brush for each color, especially if you plan on doing more than one set of mixes at each time. I got a bunch of these foam guys for about 10 cents a piece at our local craft store.

After our red and yellow circles were complete, it was time to mix. With great enthusiasm, the boy declares "it's pink!" Hmm. He is right, it does look a little pinkish.

I helped him get a little more paint in the mixing cup stir it a little more.

Now looking a little bit more orange, but the original sight of pink was imprinted on his mind. So I grabbed a nearby pink crayon. "Pink like this?"

Silence. Then, "No, not like that. Pink, orange. Red and yellow made orange."

We repeated the process with several other combinations, and then just spent some time painting with the colors we had made. It was great fun.


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