Left Behind at the Bonanza...

As I wandered around the Bonanza and drank in all of the amazing booths and displays, I was, in a word, overwhelmed. My first thought when I walked into the venue was (obviously) WOW! I don't know if anyone can appreciate the fact that events of that magnitude just don't happen in my neck of the woods, and the new experiences I had meant so very much to me. The next feelings that flooded me were those of wanting/wishing my mum and sister were beside me to enjoy such a special experience and I felt that familiar lump in my throat which always happens when I wish they lived closer to me to share little and big moments with ease. I made a vow to myself that we have to make a trip together to Junk Bonanza 2010 happen...somehow.

Because I was flying to and from the event, I knew I had to make my purchases carefully: no large items and those smalls I did select had to be things that I could get home without breaking. As I methodically made my way through the displays in the first tent -careful not to miss anything - I snapped a few photos of things I knew my family, and you, would enjoy. Here are some of the variety of treasures there for the picking:

Loved these chairs...wouldn't they look great around my table?

Loved this baby buggy:

Have I ever told you how much I want these chairs for my front porch?

This newel post and fence...so beautiful and (I think) a great price!

Love this candlewick bedding...Drat! I meant to go back for one!!

Isn't this pink sideboard amazing? I love how these vendors (J.B. Knacker) added vintage baskets where there were once doors:

I have to say their booth was among my very favourites. Can you guess why?

These lockers had me swooning. There were many great examples of vintage metal lockers but these were my favourite because of the wooden top:

They were $195 from this vendor:

(I will show you more photos from more vendors tomorrow)


I met some great people along the way. It was so strange but fun to be approached by readers and fellow bloggers who are familiar with my blog. I collected a stack of new business/blog cards to send me to some great new and familiar blogs.

Among the blog-ebrities I met were:


Also at the event was Serena from The Farm Chicks (below, right) who was as sweet and kind as she appears in her photos and on her blog and book. She has had such an interesting life and has brought from it a quiet, layered soul which I found so magnetic. I wish I had had more time to sit and really chat with her, though we did have a nice dinner all together in our hosts, Ron and Kathie Case's, lovely home. She also gave me the nicest compliment I have ever received, and I will treasure it always.

I also met Nancy Soriano (above, left), former editor-in-chief of Country Living magazine, who was gracious and elegant and who shared a ride from the airport with me (thanks Kathie!). Nancy is embarking on a very exciting project with the lovely and oh-so-talented Jo Packham (left), of Where Women Create, which will showcase women entrepreneurs and artists. Both Nancy and Jo assured me they are creating blogs of their own soon, so I will let you know when they are up so you can check them out. Sadly, I was too slow on the uptake to ask either women to pose with me...
I also met some wonderful fellow bloggers at the blog party. It was so nice to meet other bloggers and talk "shop". Everyone was so nice and welcoming and I got over my characteristic phobia of walking up to people and introducing myself..well. sort of...!

Ki and Matthew did all the talkin':

Jenny with the charming Red Shed Girls (ladies). They were so friendly and fun to talk to!

Jill, from Forever Cottage, and also known as The Thrifty Mom at the Junk Bonanza, created this beautiful fall tablescape to be won by a lucky Bonanza attendee. She created the entire look for under $100 using pieces found at Arc's Valu-Village. Ki recruited her to so it after meeting her this summer and Ki chose the right woman for the job, if I do say. Jill was sweet, enviably gorgeous and her personality shone through the second I met her. I wish we had taken a photo together because I don't think it will be the last we will all see of her, that's for certain! Here is my place setting at her Thrify Mom table. I got such a thrill when I saw I was a guest at the party...!!

More Bonanza talk later this week!


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