Appealing to my Senses

Who doesn't love a long weekend?
I know I certainly do. For me, Labour Day weekend is a time to take a quick breather after the return to school and the return to order and routine. This past weekend, I was lucky enough to have my parents make the three and a half hour trek to come visit us. After only a quick visit with them at my brother's wedding, it was so nice to get some parental loving. Being a real mama's girl, having my mum all to myself for almost three days is scrumptious. Cups of tea take on new meaning when I am chattering away  to with my mum...catching up on my familys comings and goings. She always brings a loaf of hearty bread from her local bakery and this time she even brought the most delicious strawberry-rhubarb pie (which took all of my maturity to share). We always joke that she bakes and bakes before she comes - which, if you know her, is really not her style at all. Mum believes in finding a good bakery and staying true.
Every time my parents visit, Mum and I also make sure to fit in a trip to our local thrifting/antiquing spots and play a good game of Scrabble. My dad is more worthy an opponent, with my mum not getting the whole Scrabble strategy approach at all. I like to think words games are all I need to flex the muscles in my brain, and they kindly indulge me.

Our antiquing jaunt proved very fruitful and found me gleaning some fun "smalls" from this corner of my favourite shop:
I am on the quest for a fun token of appreciation to present to Ki when I see her, and I found a few things I can rework Junk Revolution style. Hopefully I can come up with something worthy of the Junk Queen herself!
Mum found an adorable vintage child's tea set and a few other treasures and we capped off the day with a family feast of Chinese food, a favourite treat to share with our guests.
To round out a perfect weekend, we marvelled at the change in the air: we could actually feel the teasing winds of fall. With the air fresher and cleaner, we packed light sweaters in the car and enjoyed warm sun mingled with the familiar nip that makes me begin to yearn for pumpkins, Thanksgiving, and the return of Sunday dinners. In fact, a ham dinner was placed in the oven after my parents headed home. I had forgotten how much fall appeals to all of the senses and reminds me of the worthy traditions that accompany it.
What about you? Are you feeling the fall fever?


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