Take a Bow Tuesday

It's that time again. My weekly round-up of great finds I've come across on some really great blogs. Honestly, I could list one hundred things, but instead I pop them all into my feature file to share with you all in due time.
Be sure to check out the following bloggers:

  • Holly and her yummy "ice cream cone treat", perfect for celebrating that last day of school a summer birthday party, or just a really great summer's day that deserves a special nod!
  • City Farmer is one of my favourites. This lady can repurpose furniture like nobody's business, but check out this patio umbrella makeover. Honestly, where do you ladies come up with this stuff??

  • The Design Ties ladies have done what is arguably the best post featuring my very favourite colour of all times: turquoise (in all its intensities). If you share this colour passion, you must head on over there!! Oh, and did I mention they are Canadian, like me?
  • Now, you all know Eddie...Eddie Ross, that is. Well, this design superstar be stilled my heart with his fabulous makeover of some Salvation Army finds, using some great retro-inspired fabric. Not fair: my local Salvation Army doesn't carry finds like the chairs Eddie transformed!!

Now, take a bow, ladies (oops, and Eddie!)!!
If you like give-aways, head on over to my friend P.J's for a great one.

She is giving away a $50 "e" gift certificate to Amazon.com. Starting Wednesday, June 24th, she will be posting her usual "What's Up For Wednesday". This time it will be called "You Write The Caption." She will post a photo and, to be entered in the drawing, all you need to do is post a caption.

Anyone interested in entering has until midnight Sunday 6/28. The winner's will be drawn on Monday, 6/29.
Now, all you have to do is enter!!


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