Now I'll Show You Mine!

Remember when we examined all that one could do to dress up their urns for the holiday season? Well, this is what I did to mine:

Yes, they are all know I love a good chandy, don't you??!! In fact, chandeliers were the inspiration for my porch this year. I will take more pictures and show you the rest. I would also love to see what everyone else did with their urns and/or porches this Christmas. Send me your way!!


I hope you don't mind my holiday music. I normally avoid posting music of any kind, but just this once...for the holidays...o.k.? Besides, who doesn't like Christmas music?? If you want your own, simply click on the "create your own playlist" on my playlist at the bottom of this page. Don't worry, I'll change it up throughout December, and promptly remove it after the holidays!


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