And to all a good night...

After a day spent cooking (seafood chowder, mulligatawny soup, sweet and sour meatballs...sound familiar?) yesterday, and delivering a few cards and small gifts to friends, I am spent. I want to sleep in, wrap the four remaining gifts that I keep stubbing my toe on as I attempt to climb into bed, and tune out some of the noise coming from my least long enough to drink my morning cup of tea. Instead, I will probably fret and rush around the house tidying in preparation for our Christmas Eve guests, and remind my children/the boys to spruce themselves up a bit and then try to make myself look presentable. I will then pour myself a glass of my wine and enjoy the hustle and bustle that is simultaneously going on in millions of homes everywhere. We will enjoy the day, the food, the company and later, I will fall into bed, overtired, like all mothers...and toss and turn all night in anticipation, as I have for as many years as I can remember.

May you all have a very, merry Christmas, and enjoy it for all that it means to you. I wish everyone health and happiness, and for those struggling through difficult times, I wish you peace, strength, and comfort.

Happy Holidays!!


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