I don't mean to brag, but...

Well, you know that little piece I wrote about my fantasy man, Matthew Mead? Well, it seems he came on over to read it and WROTE ME A COMMENT!!! I know I'm shouting...but I"M SO EXCITED!!! He just reaffirmed my affection for him all over again! Not only is he creative, talented and a doting husband, he also has impeccable manners. And the way he let me down was virtually painless...so gentle and polite...his wife is one lucky woman! He and his wife have been married for eleven years and my hubby and I have been married for fourteen...so to throw it all away would be silly for both of us. I guess I'll just have to admire him from afar and print off his comment and blow it up 500% at least (I'm not good at spatial relations...) and frame it for my home. Nah...I better not...that seems like something a stalker would do!!!And I'm no stalker...just Mr. Mead's number one fan!!!
Just to make those of you who also idolize him a bit more jealous, here is his comment. Read it and weep!! I"m just kidding...I don't know what has gotten into me!!

Matthew Mead said...
Thank you so much for such a flattering e-mail... I will get a great deal of mileage out of it with my wife (whom I do love very much and who I am celebrating my 11 th year of marriage with). In any event, I think that my many shortfalls might far outweigh the picnic with macerated strawberries. In fact, I am like pig pen in the kitchen, leave my clothing all over the floor and am not very good with wet towels (that must be my male side coming out). In any event, I do feel very lucky to do what I do and to have a great team of people who create my visions (I have four helpers in house and many in my extened creative unit). Without them, none of what you see of my work would shine as brightly. You see, I have many great ideas but am most clever with arranging items and art directing. I would love to meet you, however and meet any of the people that follow my work... you are reasons I keep going. Look for my new web site around September 15th and thanks for writing about me... Best Always, Matthew Mead


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