Name That Table...

Okay, this was my favourite purchase, hands down, from my trip to Maine. I was immediately drawn to its colour (a glorious robin's egg blue!), its functionality, and, most importantly, the beautiful detailing and style. Now, I thought I'd let you take a guess at where I might have found it. Unfortunately there is no prize involved, (I spent all my money shopping!!), but I thought it might be fun to hear your guesses on the source and the price.
Wanna play along?
I thought we'd do it multiple choice style: Where do you think I found this delicate beauty?
a) Maine Cottage
b) a humble antique/thrift shop
c) Pottery Barn
d) other
Any guesses on price?
Check Thursday's post for the answer to this question, and all of your questions about the little house we renovated.


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