To the Extreme Home Makeover...

I am back. I took a quick jaunt home to see family, taking advantage of my children's March Break. Now I am back in full swing...back to the grind, so to speak!

As I fix dinner each day, I often turn on the television to HGTV. Although I don't have a set in my kitchen, I keep an ear on the programs, and it is probably the only TV I "watch" during the day. Many days, I can hear the familiar, scratchy voice of everyone's favourite handyman, Ty Pennington shouting in the background. Not only does he have washboard abs, but he also has excellent design sense, and flexes it on each and every episode of Extreme Home Make-Over. Now, I must admit, I more than admire the premise of the show. Who doesn't want to see needy families get the homes of their dreams? But does anyone else also get a bad taste in their mouth when the dust settles and the hour is over?

Sure, certain things have to be done in the name of television and its easily bored viewers. But really, don't the homes the EHM team create seem beyond excessive? I find myself alternately oohing and aahing, then scolding "television Ty" for going way over the top in the name of satisfying an ever-hungry audience of reality-T.V junkies.
speaking of T.V. junkies...

If I could bend Ty's ear (or the producers) I would lecture them on the importance of "sharing the wealth" - taking the budget and stretching it to create maybe three homes and its fittings and thus change the lives of even more families in peril. Because isn't that what it's really about?

I mean, come on: in these financially challenging times, doesn't it seem almost grotesque to see so much excess displayed in one flashy show? After all, if you asked the homeowners what would improve their lives, I am fairly certain the home of their dreams would be a whole lot more modest than what Ty gives them? No?


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