Ending on a small note...

Well, so much for signing on to do a series of posts. Remember way back when I began my series on small space decorating and didn't finish it? I guess I'm too flighty to commit to a series of anything, at least on a daily basis...
I guess it also makes me a serial failure, or something like that...

Luckily for me, some of you came to my rescue. When I asked for reader input, I actually got a couple of contributions, which did well to prod me into finishing what I started.

Vee of A Haven for Vee sent me these photos of little tricks she pulled out of her sleeve to tackle storage issues in her lovely home. I don't know if I'd consider Vee's home small, but it is most definitely cozy!
As Vee explains, "I have a small home even though it has a basement and a second story...a story and a half house "the carpenter" tells me. Anyway, those knee walls can be interesting. One side of the roof was raised with a dormer that runs nearly the length of the house creating some unique spaces with unusual angles.

One of those spaces is behind my bed. I disguise and use it this way. A screen purchased from HomeGoods several years back sits right behind the bed. Behind that screen is the awkward space, which proves just enough room for Christmas storage."

Continues Vee, "Also included is the picture of an old handbag...broken zipper...that I use instead of a nightstand...it's just enough for the remote, a few tissues, my lip balm, even a book. This saves me a lot of room!"
While visiting my sister's blog the other day, I was reminded of this ingenious use of the space under the eaves, so common in Cape-Cod style homes. This little nook is a walk-in closet for those under four feet tall. It is like a secret little hide-away for little girls who love clothes!

Ohdeedoh is one of my favourite sites to glean inspiration when decorating a kid's space. This home-owner made perfect use of the floor space in her child's room by elevating the bed and using the space underneath for cool storage. Can you say, Ikea storage unit? Brilliant!

Many of you have seen this example of red and white perfection in the pages of Country Home:
It is my all-time favourite home office eked out of a living room, no less! I love it all: the skirted desk area (hiding the ugly elements of an office, no doubt), and the red storage boxes. Even bills would look pretty in those!

Another of my readers was very generous with her small space living ideas. Jen of A Thousand Words is a South African girl living in England. She writes: "Organising is one of my passions. Since we live in England I've had to come up with creative storage solutions to maximise the limited space that the houses over here afford. I've been inspired by projects online as well as come up with my own ideas."

And great ideas they are!

Check out the little pantry she carved out of her basement stairwell:

I love these little buckets she hung in her foyer to stash keys, cell phones, etc.:

She also did this:
Says Jen, "I cut down empty 2-pint plastic milk bottles and used them (and a cut-down cardboard box) to organise our stationery baskets"
**Follow this link to see how she organizes plastic containers and lids.

This next idea is genius, yet simple.

(after) According to Jen, "It took me fifteen minutes to quickly put up a bar between the cupboard and the wall and add a hanging shoe organiser from IKEA. "

Next Jen tackled the dreaded toy storage issue...even more dreaded when residing in a smaller home. The toys sit happily in this unit...just waiting to be played with.This idea speaks to the importance of incorporating built-ins when living within a smaller blue-print.
Jen has more great organization and storage tricks up her sleeve. In fact, next time, I think I'll just hand the baton over to her and get her to write any further small space living posts. She is clearly the expert here!! In fact, read this post for more great organization tips!
So, that's it for now. I will return with more solutions for living large in a small home...I just won't commit to a time-table! Thanks to those who offered up their own inspiration, and for those who still think living well in a small home can't be done:

I mean that in the nicest way, of course!!


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