More November Love...

Have I mentioned that I love this month? How could I not? For me, it is the calm before the storm. It is my chance to get my Christmas gift shopping finished, and peruse the stores in all their Christmas glory. I'm not talking about the gifts either, but all of the cheery, sparkly decorations calling out to me...inviting me to take them home. I have found absolute treasures in the most unlikely of places: glittered Eiffel Towers and damask-patterned Christmas balls (in the perfect shade of Silver Sage) at Canadian Tire; vintage-inspired little girls and boys, from a local hardware store, that I will use for my holiday crafting project; and real, glass glittered ornaments to adorn a new tree for my home, found at a flower shop. The prices were modest, but the appeal was over the top! In fact, I can't wait to show you some of the ideas I have up my sleeve for decking the halls this Christmas!
I have been steadfast in my goal to truly have my shopping done extra early this year. Every year I get my shopping almost done, but seem to leave just enough last minute purchases to stress me out. To me, November is about preparing for Christmas, while December is for enjoying all that the holiday has to offer. By planning ahead, I avoid the cranky holiday shoppers and their inevitable cold and flu viruses, and instead focus on small get-togethers, Christmas concerts, and movie nights with my family. Most of the time, anyway. There are always hiccups along the way of course, but the focus of the holiday remains with my family and the significance of the season.
Today found me checking my lists, organizing purchases, and hiding some presents for the kids deep within the recesses of my closet. I look forward to our town's annual Christmas Parade (and its freaky deer), and also to my birthday and the planning of my daughter's birthday. Indeed, November finds me busy with preparations, but heady with excitement to again watch my children enjoy the most wonderful holiday of the year.
What about you...are you preparing for the season yet??


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