Climb Every Mountain...

I love change. Big or small. I am not someone who can sit idle for long, and lately my mind is dizzy with thoughts, plans, dreams...I am ready for change and I am taking steps to make it happen. Looking back, I never would have thought that I would be doing what I am doing today. Starting my business was a leap of faith for me, and I really didn't know whether I'd succeed or fail. While success is measured differently by everyone, I am happy with how my business has grown and the changes it has brought forth in me on a personal level. I have received unfailing support from virtually all my friends, and my family have been tireless cheerleaders to spur me on. I am profoundly grateful for the belief my husband has had in me and he continues to encourage me in a new endeavour I have undertaken. We both have always strived to inspire each other and we are both still in awe that we have simultaneously begun new businesses that continue to grow and evolve.

While I loved being home with my children and devoting all my attention to them, by the time Sophie was nearing school age I was growing restless. I was ready for change, and building new homes was no longer cutting it for me, creatively speaking. I was ready to put down some more permanent roots and do something for me, that would enable me to express this creativity and contribute to our finances. I also began this blog as a way to showcase my work and style for clients, and I have been amazed at how it is grown and the wonderful people I have met. I have also made contacts through it that have set me on a new path, and I am focused on building on what I have begun.

So, in a nutshell, if you have a dream, surround yourself with people who believe in you, who wish you well, and allow yourself to be buoyed by them when you have moments of self-doubt. Stay away from people who doubt your abilities and don't wish you success, because change is also hard...Some days, I wish I didn't have such a hidden road ahead. I get tempted to get a bit lazy. Luckily, those seem to be the days that a friend encourages me, I get a call from a new client who has been referred by a former client, or someone you barely know (like all of you) reaches out to you with a kind comment. I am nearing the two year mark of my business start-up and I am headed in different directions then I originally intended. I embrace it and I am thankful for it. Change is good...


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