When I finally got my first front porch (see photo above), the house wasn't even finished before I had hubby hanging a porch swing from the rafters. I remember sitting on it, covered in paint, chatting about how tired we were of the building process. People going by would do a bit of a double-take at us swinging there, as we didn't even have the siding finished! From that point on, I have been a grateful porch owner. I decorate my porch for the seasons, sweep it regularily, and enjoy sipping our tea while swinging on our swing. It is not quite finished... as the porch floor is not yet painted, I still want hubby to build some low planters resembling window boxes (with pretty moulding trim), and we want a trellis on the side to allow for privacy from the neighbouring home. I have big plans for the planters this Christmas, and I look forward to decking my porch all out for the holiday season. Speaking of holidays and sticking to the present, here is my front porch in its Halloween finery...and this my friends, is the end of my Halloween decorating posts!!

***Oh, I forgot to mention that the best thing about a front porch is the opportunity it provides for taking great annual photos of your kids! The picture below is the yearly photo my sister and I take of our kids on her summer trip down to my house. We have been taking this photo since my eldest son was two, and I love looking back on how they have all changed over the years. We have seen new girly additions by the name of Sophie and Ella, and the photo below is the first time Wendy's eldest son, Ben, was not in the picture (he decided to stay at home and relax with his Dad).

This photo is from last year's Christmas card photo shoot. It didn't make the cut for the actual card, but it did get framed and placed in my living room. Speaking of which, I had better get going on this year's shoot...but that's a whole other post! Let's just say, it's never a stress-free scene...!!!